EIIC - Office Hour: Mental and Behavioral Health (MH/BH) Research & Telehealth/Teleconsultation/Legal Concepts

The Event Calendar is moving!

As of August/September 2024, the online calendar content will be available at Huddle (BHP-TAP.huddle.com). Please bookmark the Huddle link for your convenience.

Our next Office Hour is set for Tuesday, April 11th, from 10:00-11:00am ET. Our speakers will be Carolyn Ievers-Landis, PhD and James Marcin, MD, MPH. The focus of this meeting will be on mental and behavioral health research and telehealth/teleconsultation/legal concepts as we consider. Below are bios on our speakers, along with the Zoom link to the meeting. 


If you have any questions as it relates to the above topics, please reach out to Anna Goldman (Anna.Goldman@UHhospitals.org). However, please come with any questions you may have as you are exploring the emergency care space with your teams. 


***Zoom Link***

To join: No need to pre-register, copy and paste link below into internet browser then press Enter: https://uhhospitals.zoom.us/j/93939297122?pwd=VFRMUy84ejkxMnVjZTArbUR5QWJsQT09


Carolyn Ievers-Landis

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Carolyn Ievers-Landis, PhD, DBSM, is a licensed clinical psychologist, a Diplomate in Behavioral Sleep Medicine, and a Professor of Pediatrics at Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital, University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center and at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. She is preparing a multi-method research study of emergency department (ED) perceptions of pediatric behavioral/mental health symptom assessment, management, and triage.  Dr. Ievers-Landis provides research expertise in designing the methodology of behavioral/mental health research projects in the ED or workforce development of behavioral/mental health professionals in the pediatric disaster preparedness and response specialty.


Since October 2019, Dr. Ievers-Landis has served as the Co-Chair of the Behavioral Health Committee of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR)-funded Eastern Great Lakes Pediatric Disaster Care Center of Excellence.  Dr. Ievers-Landis is also a Behavioral Health Domain co-lead for the Pediatric Pandemic Network. She is a behavioral health expert for the Pediatric Mental Health Care Access (PMHCA) programs and the Emergency Medical Services for Children’s (EMSC) Emergency Department (ED) Screening and Treatment Options for Pediatric (STOP) Suicide Quality Improvement (QI)Collaborative.

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James Marcin, MD, MPH, is a Professor in the Department of Pediatrics at the UC Davis School of Medicine and Director of the Center for Health and Technology at UC Davis Health. In addition to his clinical work in the Pediatric ICU, he conducts research and advocacy in telehealth related to access and quality of care, particularly for children with special healthcare needs and acutely ill and injured children in rural communities.