TAIC - PMHCA/MDRBD Peer-to-Peer Learning Exchange: 3. Aligning State PMHCA and MDRBD programs

The Event Calendar is moving!

As of August/September 2024, the online calendar content will be available at Huddle (BHP-TAP.huddle.com). Please bookmark the Huddle link for your convenience.

The MCHB TA Innovation Center will be offering a peer-to-peer sharing session for PMHCA and MDRBD awardees on 



This session is scheduled for 

Thursday, July 20, 2023, 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. Eastern 

This facilitated session will follow a small group discussion format that allows for rich interaction among peer awardees to share challenges, lessons learned, and innovative solutions that have been successful. Opportunities to align resources and systems across State PMHCA and MDRBD programs will be discussed, based on the group’s interest and priorities. 


Please reach out to us at the email below if you have specific topics you would like to have included. 

Questions to Guide the Discussion

  1. Which aspects of your perinatal and pediatric access programs have you aligned or are you seeking to align? Please share any lessons learned.
  2. What benefits and outcomes are you aiming to achieve through alignment or integration?
  3. What resources are you interested in leveraging across both programs (e.g., staff, software, training, referral database, etc.)?
  4. For PMHCA programs that don’t have an active MDRBD program in your state, have you incorporated perinatal psychiatry/maternal mental health into your programs? If so, how?
  5. What are your biggest challenges or barriers related to program alignment (in addition to what’s already been discussed) and how are you addressing those challenges?
  6. How can HRSA and the MCHB TA Innovation Center help you to address these challenges?

Please feel free to forward this email to members of your project team and/or partners who may benefit from participation. You can contact us at mch-ta-innovation-center@jbsinternational.com with any questions or feedback.

We look forward to connecting with you on July 20!

Thank you,

MCHB TA Innovation Center Team