SBHA HIPAA, FERPA, and School Health: Confidentiality and Information Sharing in School-Based Health Care

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As of August/September 2024, the online calendar content will be available at Huddle ( Please bookmark the Huddle link for your convenience.

This webinar will provide an overview of HIPAA and FERPA, the two federal privacy laws that are most often implicated when it comes to confidential information in schools and SBHCs. Using case examples, this webinar will address some common questions such as how to know whether records are subject to HIPAA or FERPA and when a release is necessary for information sharing under each law. The webinar will explain the role of state confidentiality and consent laws in answering these questions and provide guidance on how to think through confidentiality and information-sharing questions. It will explore best practices in information sharing and confidentiality designed to maximize the benefits of health care programs, consistent with legal requirements.

Learning Objectives: Participants of this webinar will be able to

  • Describe the federal privacy laws that most frequently apply to youth’s health and mental health information in the setting of school-based health centers
  • Analyze the intersection of federal health privacy laws, state health privacy laws, and state minor consent laws.
  • Explain how the relevant federal and state laws apply to information sharing among the individuals and entities involved in the delivery of health services to students in schools.


  • Katy Stinchfield, MS, LPC, School-Based Health Alliance


  • Abigail English JD, National Center for Youth Law (NCYL)
  • Rebecca Gudeman, JD, MPA, National Center for Youth Law (NCYL)

Contact Information

Micayla Rivin (she/her), SBHA Program Associate
Email address