MMHSUD Awardees

TAIC - Quarterly Meeting (Webinar)

Dear PMHCA and MMHSUD Awardees, 

You are invited to participate in the MCHB TA Innovation Center Quarterly Meeting (webinar) scheduled for Wednesday, August 7, 2024, 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. ET

Please feel free to forward this email to any other members of your project staff and/or partners who may benefit from participation. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at

Thank you and we look forward to you attending our quarterly webinar meeting!


MCHB TA Innovation Center Team

August 21, 2024, 4:24 pm EDT
Event Summary

TAIC - Quarterly Meeting (Webinar) 

Contact Information
TA Innovation Center Team

TAIC - Quarterly Meeting (Webinar) - Updates from HRSA, TAIC, and Presentations from DoE and PSI

Dear PMHCA and MMHSUD Awardees, 

You are invited to participate in the third MCHB TA Innovation Center Quarterly Meeting (Webinar) scheduled for Wednesday, May 1, 2024, 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. ET

HRSA and the MCHB TA Innovation Center will provide updates to awardees during the session. Additionally, Nicole White from the Department of Education (DoE) will present on the work of the Mental Health Service Professionals Grant Program recipients. Wendy Davis from Postpartum Support International (PSI) will follow with a comprehensive overview of their training, services, Hotline, and warmline. Subsequently, the presentations by DoE and PSI will lead into an interactive conversation, delving into potential areas for collaboration among awardees. This segment promises valuable insights and networking opportunities for all participants.

Please feel free to forward this email to any other members of your project staff and/or partners who may benefit from participation. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at

Thank you and we look forward to you attending our quarterly webinar meeting!


MCHB TA Innovation Center Team

August 16, 2024, 7:09 am EDT
Event Summary

You are invited to participate in the third MCHB TA Innovation Center Quarterly Meeting (Webinar) scheduled for Wednesday, May 1, 2024, 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. ET

Contact Information
TA Innovation Center Team

TAIC - Quarterly Meeting (Webinar): HRSA/TAIC Updates, and New Awardee Introductions

Dear PMHCA and MMHSUD Awardees, 

You are invited to participate in the second MCHB TA Innovation Center Quarterly Meeting (webinar) scheduled for Wednesday, February 7, 2024, 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. ET

During this webinar, updates will be shared by HRSA and the TA Innovation Center, followed by introductions from the new awardees regarding their individual projects. 

Please feel free to forward this email to any other members of your project staff and/or partners who may benefit from participation. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at

Thank you and we look forward to you attending our quarterly webinar meeting!


MCHB TA Innovation Center Team

August 16, 2024, 7:09 am EDT
Event Summary

During this webinar, updates will be shared by HRSA and the TA Innovation Center, followed by introductions from the new awardees regarding their individual projects

Contact Information
MCHB TA Innovation Center

TAIC - Peer-to-Peer Sharing Session: Messaging and Marketing PMHCA/MMHSUD to your Provider Network

The MCHB TA Innovation Center will be offering a peer-to-peer sharing session for PMHCA and MMHSUD awardees on 
Messaging and Marketing PMHCA/MMHSUD to your Provider Network
Co-facilitators: Susan Griffin, LICSW (Director of PATHS, Birmingham AL) and 
Dr. Uruj Haider (Medical Director of Consultative Services for MCPAP for Moms)
Session Moderator: Liz Carr

This session is scheduled for 
Wednesday, November 8, 2023, 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. Eastern

This facilitated session will follow a small group discussion format that allows for rich interaction among peer awardees to share challenges, lessons learned, and innovative solutions that have been successful. This session will include opportunities to discuss strategies for messaging and marketing the program to providers, based on the group’s interest and priorities.

Please reach out to us at the email below if you have specific topics you would like to have included. 

Questions to Guide the Discussion

  1. What challenges have there been with marketing PMHCA/MMHSUD programs within your provider community? 
  2. What modes of marketing have been most successful? Which have been least successful? 
  3. How has your marketing/messaging changed over the course of program development? 
  4. How have you engaged with state and/or national professional associations to improve marketing your program to providers?   
    • How have you marketed your program while attending conferences, workgroups, symposiums etc.?
  5. Once a provider has been enrolled in the program, what messaging has been helpful to encourage them to engage and utilize the support?  
  6. How have you engaged providers to encourage provider to provider marketing/sharing? 

Please feel free to forward this email to members of your project team and/or partners who may benefit from participation. You can contact us at with any questions or feedback.

We look forward to connecting with you on November 8th!

Thank you,

MCHB TA Innovation Center Team

August 16, 2024, 7:09 am EDT
Event Summary

The MCHB TA Innovation Center will be offering a peer-to-peer sharing session for PMHCA and MMHSUD awardees on 
Messaging and Marketing PMHCA/MMHSUD to your Provider Network
Co-facilitators: Susan Griffin, LICSW (Director of PATHS, Birmingham AL) and 
Dr. Uruj Haider (Medical Director of Consultative Services for MCPAP for Moms)
Session Moderator: Liz Carr

Contact Information
Liz Carr

TAIC - Quarterly Meeting (Webinar)

Dear PMHCA and MMHSUD Awardees, 

You are invited to participate in the first MCHB TA Innovation Center Quarterly Meeting (webinar) in collaboration with the REACH Institute scheduled for Wednesday, December 6, 2023, 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. ET

This webinar will offer updates from HRSA, the MCHB TA Innovation Center, and a presentation by the REACH Institute. The REACH Institute provides training for primary care providers, therapists, and other professionals to diagnose and treat mental health issues.

Please feel free to forward this email to any other members of your project staff and/or partners who may benefit from participation. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at

Thank you and we look forward to you attending our first quarterly webinar meeting!


MCHB TA Innovation Center Team


August 16, 2024, 7:09 am EDT
Contact Information
MCHB TA Innovation Center

TAIC - Local data collection and management office hours

The MCHB TA Innovation Center is offering the fourth session of hands-on office hours to assist PMHCA and MDRBD program staff in areas of local program data collection and management. Subject matter experts from Windrose Vision are prepared to support you in the planning, design, and implementation of your local program operations with guidance on evaluation tools and strategies ranging from basic to complex. A sampling of the areas of TA being offered include:

Spreadsheet development and data tracking - Selecting primary program evaluation questions - Selecting measures and instruments to align with program goals - Identifying available data - Collecting new data - Power and sampling strategies - Data analysis

This is an exciting opportunity for you to explore ideas and find solutions to your data collection challenges, as well as methods to measure outcomes for your program. Our local Technical Assistance (TA) office hours have proven to be a resounding success. This collaborative environment allows grantees to share insights, learn from their peers and experts, and receive real-time guidance and advice. We strongly encourage you to participate and bring your unique challenges to the table for discussion and problem-solving.

We look forward to seeing you!

Thank you,

MCHB TA Innovation Center Team

August 16, 2024, 7:09 am EDT
Event Summary

PMHCA and MDRBD TA Opportunity: Get hands-on Technical Assistance help for local data collection and management through upcoming office hours

Contact Information

TAIC: Peer Learning Session: Referral Database Management

This facilitated session will follow a small group discussion format that allows for rich interaction among peer awardees to share challenges, lessons learned, and innovative solutions that have been successful related to resource and referral database management.

Thursday, August 17, 2023, 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. Eastern 


Co-facilitators: John Straus, M.D. & Nancy Byatt, M.D.

Session Moderator: Liz Carr

Questions to Guide the Discussion

  1. What data management system(s) are you using? What is working well and what isn’t?
  2. If you are using a pre-existing system, what have been the pros and cons?
  3. What types of content and functionality does your referral database offer? (e.g., data generation, interface with other systems, user/patient interface, etc.) Is there any content or functionality you want but have not been able to incorporate?
  4. How does your current approach work for your program in terms of staffing and sustainability?
  5. If you had to start over, what would you do differently? What lessons have you learned that you can share with newer programs?
  6. What are your biggest challenges or barriers related to referral database management (in addition to what’s already been discussed) and how are you addressing those challenges?
  7. How can HRSA and the MCHB TA Innovation Center help you to address these challenges?

Things to Note:

  • Peer-to-peer learning sessions are designed to promote dialogue among peer PMHCA and MDRBD awardees using an informal virtual meeting format to discuss challenges, share ideas and successes, and exchange lessons learned in the implementation of your programs about a range of topics.
  •  These sessions will be scheduled for an hour, with an extra 30 minutes built in for additional discussion and Q&A for interested participants. Sessions will be “lightly facilitated”, meaning that the floor is yours and facilitators will be there to keep the discussion moving along, but will otherwise be in the background to allow sufficient time and space for you to engage with one another directly.
  • Your feedback on these sessions is welcomed and encouraged. A QR code link to a brief feedback form will be provided at the beginning and end of each session. We want to hear from you!
August 16, 2024, 8:27 am EDT
Event Summary

The MCHB TA Innovation Center will be offering a peer-to-peer sharing session for PMHCA and MDRBD awardees on referral database management.

TAIC Training and Capacity Building Webinar: Early Childhood Mental Health

The MCHB TA Innovation Center is offering a special topic webinar for PMHCA and MDRBD awardees on 
Early Childhood Mental Health 
Panelists: Mary Margaret Gleason M.D., Julianna Finelli M.D., Beth Ellen Davis M.D., and Yael Dvir M.D.

This webinar is scheduled for
Thursday, July 27, 2023, 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. ET
Zoom: Join Here  Meeting ID: 160 105 6397 Passcode: dR8xgEdL

The panel of early childhood mental health consultants will provide a presentation focused on models and principles of early childhood mental health consultation in PMHCA programs. The panel will address unique characteristics of early childhood mental health consultation with respect to both content and process. The panel will include physician leaders of early childhood mental health consultation programs. The presentation will highlight the importance of health promotion, early identification (including using validated screening for symptoms and adverse social drivers of health), primary care activities, and linking to specialty care and community supports.


August 16, 2024, 8:27 am EDT
Event Summary

The MCHB TA Innovation Center is offering a special topic webinar for PMHCA and MDRBD awardees on 
Early Childhood Mental Health 
Panelists: Mary Margaret Gleason M.D., Julianna Finelli M.D., Beth Ellen Davis M.D., and Yael Dvir M.D.

TAIC - Training and Capacity Building Webinar: Developing Physician Champions and Non-MD Advocates

Speakers from The Michigan Clinical Consultation for Care (MC3) will conduct a panel presentation centered on the pivotal role of the “physician champion” and non-MD advocates, emphasizing their significance in PMHCA and MDRBD programs. The panel presentation will delve into the vital responsibilities of physician and provider champions, including their role as liaisons to healthcare  providers and professional organizations, their advocacy efforts, and contributions to fostering provider engagement. The panel of physician/provider champions, program managers, and other key roles will share expertise and insight during this event. 

Please feel free to forward this email to members of your project team and/or partners who may benefit from participation. You can contact us at with any questions or feedback.

We look forward to connecting with you on June 29th!


Thank you!
 — HRSA MCHB TA Innovation Center Team

August 16, 2024, 3:24 am EDT
Event Summary

The MCHB TA Innovation Center is offering a special topic webinar for PMHCA and MDRBD awardees on 
Developing Physician Champions and Non-MD Advocates
Panelists: Sheila Marcus, M.D., Lia Gaggino, M.D., FAAP, Zakia Alavi, M.D., and Rena Menke, PhD.

PMHCA/MDRBD Peer-to-Peer Learning Exchange: Focus on Provider Engagement

This facilitated session will follow a small group discussion format that allows for rich interaction among peer awardees to share challenges, lessons learned, and innovative solutions that have been successful. The nuances as well as the nuts and bolts of provider engagement will be discussed, based on the group’s interest and priorities.

August 16, 2024, 3:24 am EDT
Event Summary

Join your peers for an informal dialogue and idea sharing about provider engagement strategies at both the program and the practice level.