Considerations for Using Telemental Health Services for Children and Youth: Proceedings of a Workshop in Brief (2021)

Posted 8/16/2024 (updated 2/13/2024)

Delivering mental services remotely did not begin during the COVID-19 pandemic, though its use has greatly expanded during this time. Looking ahead, there are questions about how those services for children and youth may continue as the pandemic recedes. To consider these questions, the National Academies' Forum for Children’s Well-Being (the Forum) held a 3-day workshop in October 2021 on the use of telemental health services both before and during the pandemic. The first day of the workshop highlighted examples of how different programs provide mental health services in a digital format. The second day focused on some common challenges associated with providing telemental health services. The third day considered how best to support providers of telemental health services. Each day began with opening remarks, followed by short panel presentations from three speakers and a moderated question-and-answer (Q&A) session with the speakers. This Proceedings of a Workshop—in Brief provides a high-level summary of the topics addressed in the workshop. Additional details, including a recording of the workshop, can be found online.