PMHCA Awardees

TAIC Training and Capacity Building Webinar: Early Childhood Mental Health

The MCHB TA Innovation Center is offering a special topic webinar for PMHCA and MDRBD awardees on 
Early Childhood Mental Health 
Panelists: Mary Margaret Gleason M.D., Julianna Finelli M.D., Beth Ellen Davis M.D., and Yael Dvir M.D.

This webinar is scheduled for
Thursday, July 27, 2023, 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. ET
Zoom: Join Here  Meeting ID: 160 105 6397 Passcode: dR8xgEdL

The panel of early childhood mental health consultants will provide a presentation focused on models and principles of early childhood mental health consultation in PMHCA programs. The panel will address unique characteristics of early childhood mental health consultation with respect to both content and process. The panel will include physician leaders of early childhood mental health consultation programs. The presentation will highlight the importance of health promotion, early identification (including using validated screening for symptoms and adverse social drivers of health), primary care activities, and linking to specialty care and community supports.


August 16, 2024, 8:27 am EDT
Event Summary

The MCHB TA Innovation Center is offering a special topic webinar for PMHCA and MDRBD awardees on 
Early Childhood Mental Health 
Panelists: Mary Margaret Gleason M.D., Julianna Finelli M.D., Beth Ellen Davis M.D., and Yael Dvir M.D.

TAIC - Training and Capacity Building Webinar: Developing Physician Champions and Non-MD Advocates

Speakers from The Michigan Clinical Consultation for Care (MC3) will conduct a panel presentation centered on the pivotal role of the “physician champion” and non-MD advocates, emphasizing their significance in PMHCA and MDRBD programs. The panel presentation will delve into the vital responsibilities of physician and provider champions, including their role as liaisons to healthcare  providers and professional organizations, their advocacy efforts, and contributions to fostering provider engagement. The panel of physician/provider champions, program managers, and other key roles will share expertise and insight during this event. 

Please feel free to forward this email to members of your project team and/or partners who may benefit from participation. You can contact us at with any questions or feedback.

We look forward to connecting with you on June 29th!


Thank you!
 — HRSA MCHB TA Innovation Center Team

August 16, 2024, 3:24 am EDT
Event Summary

The MCHB TA Innovation Center is offering a special topic webinar for PMHCA and MDRBD awardees on 
Developing Physician Champions and Non-MD Advocates
Panelists: Sheila Marcus, M.D., Lia Gaggino, M.D., FAAP, Zakia Alavi, M.D., and Rena Menke, PhD.

PMHCA/MDRBD Peer-to-Peer Learning Exchange: Focus on Provider Engagement

This facilitated session will follow a small group discussion format that allows for rich interaction among peer awardees to share challenges, lessons learned, and innovative solutions that have been successful. The nuances as well as the nuts and bolts of provider engagement will be discussed, based on the group’s interest and priorities.

August 16, 2024, 3:24 am EDT
Event Summary

Join your peers for an informal dialogue and idea sharing about provider engagement strategies at both the program and the practice level.

2023 PMHCA/MDRBD Virtual All-Awardee Meeting

Dear Awardee,  
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Maternal and Child Health Bureau is pleased to invite you to the Maternal and Child Health Tele-Behavioral Health Programs Annual Meeting. This event will be held virtually Monday, August 28, 2023 and Tuesday, August 29, 2023, starting at 1:00 p.m. ET each day, with optional networking sessions starting at 11:30 a.m. ET each day. 
The meeting will be divided into 4-hour sessions over 2 days and will feature a variety of presentations and interactive workshops that will allow participants to learn about challenges, solutions, and resources; share accomplishments, innovations, and lessons learned; and network with other Pediatric Mental Health Care Access (PMHCA) and Screening and Treatment for Maternal Depression and Related Behavioral Disorders (MDRBD) program awardees, HRSA staff, other key federal partners, and the MCHB TA Innovation Center team and its partners. 

The theme of the annual meeting is "The Power of Networks: Fostering Connectivity for Increased Behavioral Healthcare Access.” The meeting objectives are to: 

  • Provide Technical Assistance to PMHCA and MDRBD awardees to address project barriers and challenges, and to identify opportunities for growth 
  • Facilitate peer-to-peer information exchange and the dissemination of project results, promising practices, and lessons learned 
  • Facilitate discussions that identify, promote, and enhance critical priority areas for increasing behavioral healthcare access 
  • Foster communication and collaboration between PMHCA and MDRBD awardees and federal and non-federal partners. 

Participants invited to the meeting are representatives and partners from the 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, and 2023 PMCHA awardee cohorts and the 2018 MDRBD awardee cohort. Awardee participation in this event is required but limited to four attendees per award. For special considerations, please contact your HRSA Project Officer. 

For questions specifically about logistics or registration, please contact us at For all other questions about the meeting, please contact your designated HRSA Project Officer. 

We are looking forward to seeing you at the meeting! 

Thank you, 

MCHB TA Innovation Center Team 


August 16, 2024, 3:24 am EDT
August 16, 2024, 3:24 am EDT
Event Summary

 The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) is excited to invite you to the upcoming Virtual All-Awardee Pediatric Mental Health Care Access (PMHCA) and Maternal Depression and Related Behavioral Disorders (MDRBD) Awardee Meeting planned for August 28th and August 29th, 2023 (Monday-Tuesday) for a half-day session 1:00-5:00 p.m. Eastern Time each day.