TAIC Training and Capacity Building Webinar: Early Childhood Mental Health

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The MCHB TA Innovation Center is offering a special topic webinar for PMHCA and MDRBD awardees on 
Early Childhood Mental Health 
Panelists: Mary Margaret Gleason M.D., Julianna Finelli M.D., Beth Ellen Davis M.D., and Yael Dvir M.D.

This webinar is scheduled for
Thursday, July 27, 2023, 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. ET
Zoom: Join Here  Meeting ID: 160 105 6397 Passcode: dR8xgEdL

The panel of early childhood mental health consultants will provide a presentation focused on models and principles of early childhood mental health consultation in PMHCA programs. The panel will address unique characteristics of early childhood mental health consultation with respect to both content and process. The panel will include physician leaders of early childhood mental health consultation programs. The presentation will highlight the importance of health promotion, early identification (including using validated screening for symptoms and adverse social drivers of health), primary care activities, and linking to specialty care and community supports.