PMHCA Awardees

SBHA: Lessons and Insights from the Field

This document summarizes lessons, insights, and innovation from PMHCA programs that are establishing partnerships with SBHCs. With input from an advisory group of diverse PMHCA program champions with established connections to SBHCs, this is a first-of-its-kind resource for PMHCA programs that are considering expanding to SBHCs, as well as those that are already collaborating with SBHCs and want to enhance their services.


SBHA: School-Based Health Centers (SBHCs) and Pediatric Mental Health Care Access (PMHCA) Programs: A Natural Partnership for Improving Access to Mental Health

This document for SBHCs describe the common and complementary characteristics of PMHCA programs and SBHCs, what can be accomplished through partnership, and the steps to initiate a partnership.


SBHA: Pediatric Mental Health Care Access (PMHCA) Programs and School-Based Health Centers (SBHCs): A Natural Partnership for Improving Access to Mental Health

This document for PMHCA programs describe the common and complementary characteristics of PMHCA programs and SBHCs, what can be accomplished through partnership, and the steps to initiate a partnership.


HRSA MCHB Evaluation Capacity-Building Webinar Series

The HRSA MCHB Evaluation Capacity-Building Webinars provide support to awardees’ evaluation design and program implementation through a variety of topics, highlighting awardee presenters and HRSA evaluation activities and data collection.

HRSA MCHB Evaluation Capacity-Building Webinar #1 

  • Date: December 13, 2023
  • Topic: Using Program Data for Quality Improvement
  • Webinar Recording

HRSA MCHB Evaluation Capacity-Building Webinar #2

  • Date: January 31, 2024
  • Topic: Collecting Qualitative Data from Program Stakeholders
  • Join Here

HRSA MCHB Evaluation Capacity-Building Webinar #3

  • Date: March 6, 2024
  • Topic: Evaluation and Training
  • Join Here

HRSA MCHB Evaluation Capacity-Building Webinar #4

  • Date: April 24, 2024
  • Topic: Disseminating Program Successes
  • Join Here

HRSA MCHB Evaluation Capacity-Building Webinar #5

  • Date: TBD
  • Topic: TBD

HRSA MCHB Evaluation Capacity-Building Webinar #6

  • Date: August 21, 2024
  • Topic: Data Management Lessons Learned
  • Join Here
August 16, 2024, 3:16 am EDT
August 16, 2024, 3:16 am EDT
August 16, 2024, 3:16 am EDT
August 16, 2024, 3:16 am EDT
August 16, 2024, 3:16 am EDT
Event Summary

The HRSA MCHB Evaluation Capacity-Building Webinars provide support to awardees’ evaluation design and program implementation through a variety of topics, highlighting awardee presenters and HRSA evaluation activities and data collection

Contact Information
Catherine Gulley

EIIC - Quality Improvement Collaborative for PMHCAs

We Want You! Join the EIIC’s Quality Improvement Collaborative for PMHCAs 
We are excited to launch our quality improvement (QI) collaborative for PMHCA teams involved in ED expansion work. This collaboration will allow you to work alongside other PMHCAs in this space, learn from one another, and receive the necessary tools and resources to apply to your team's expansion efforts.

What is a QI Collaborative?
A QI Collaborative provides a framework and structure for teams and their project work. Collaboratives bring together stakeholders from various groups for a specified period of time to address a specific topic. In this case, our focus is on creating access to mental and behavioral health resources and services in emergency departments. The collaborative will include learning sessions, practical application activities, personalized coaching, guidance on measuring progress, and evaluation to assess the impact of the changes implemented. However, the most significant aspect of this collaborative is that it provides a secure and comfortable environment for participants to ask questions and work together with other teams, both new to the program and returning from Year One. The EIIC is hosting an overview session of the year's collaborative on December 14, from 3 - 4 pm ET. We invite anyone interested to join and learn more about the work. The collaborative is open to all, and we are providing additional resources to teams that request assistance (e.g., funds to support programming efforts). 

If you have any questions, please reach out to We hope you will all take advantage of this opportunity to work together and improve access to mental health services in the emergency department!  

August 16, 2024, 3:16 am EDT
Event Summary

We Want You! Join the EIIC’s Quality Improvement Collaborative for PMHCAs 
We are excited to launch our quality improvement (QI) collaborative for PMHCA teams involved in ED expansion work. This collaboration will allow you to work alongside other PMHCAs in this space, learn from one another, and receive the necessary tools and resources to apply to your team's expansion efforts.

Contact Information
Anna Goldman

TAIC: Implementation Toolkit for PMHCA and MMHSUD programs

The first child psychiatry access program (CPAP), the Massachusetts Child Psychiatry Access Program (MCPAP), began in 2004 to support pediatric primary care providers who address behavioral health concerns presenting in the primary care setting. MCPAP was developed to solve the problem of lack of access to pediatric mental healthcare, especially child psychiatry. Due to workforce shortage challenges, primary care providers could not find pediatric mental healthcare for their patients. MCPAP supports the pediatric primary care providers in 1) assessing and treating mild to moderate mental health concerns presenting in the primary care setting, and 2) finding resources to address mental healthcare needs. MCPAP does this through numerous different platforms including consultation, training and education, and resource and referrals. A core component of all CPAPs is the "warm line" or peer-to-peer consultation model with timely access to a child and adolescent psychiatrist to support the primary care provider. Due to the success of MCPAP in increasing access to pediatric mental healthcare and workforce shortages across the United States, other states began similar programs. Building on the success of MCPAP, MCPAP for Moms was initiated to help perinatal providers detect, assess, and treat mental health and substance use concerns. Similar to expansion across the country after MCPAP demonstrated success, other states began to implement Perinatal Psychiatry Access Programs (PPAPs) modeled on MCPAP for Moms. The benefits provided by these and other programs across the United States led to Sec 10002 of the 21st Century Cures Act, which called for the development of pediatric mental health care access grants to support the development of Pediatric Mental Health Care Access (PMHCA) programs and Screening and Treatment for Maternal Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder (MMHSUD) programs.

This "implementation toolkit" has been developed to guide new PMHCA and MMHSUD grantees with implementation strategies and tools.

TAIC: Demonstrating the Value of Behavioral Health Care Access Programs

Legislators and policy makers often ask about the Return on Investment (ROI) of Access Programs. In other words, they want to know how much money does the Pediatric Mental Health Care Access (PMHCA) and the Screening and Treatment for Maternal Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders (MMHSUD) program save? Determining ROI requires a complicated economic analysis that may not be possible for individual programs. These programs also primarily offer access, not treatment; ROI is not the correct measure of access. Even making an ROI argument may imply that saving lives is not a good enough reason, and in fact, that saving money is more important than saving lives. While calculating ROI may not be possible, it is still important to show the value of a program. This tool outlines how states can show value of the PMHCA and MMHSUD programs using approaches other than an ROI analysis including data points, key messaging, and measures for estimating value.

TAIC - Local Data Collection and Management Office Hours

PMHCA and MMHSUD TA Opportunity: Get hands-on Technical Assistance help for local data collection and management through upcoming office hours

When: Wednesday, October 25, 2023. Drop in anytime using the link below at your convenience between 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm EST.

WhereClick here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 247 172 157 604
Passcode: fRZrSH

The MCHB TA Innovation Center is offering hands-on office hours to assist PMHCA and MMHSUD program staff in areas of local program data collection and management. Subject matter experts from Windrose Vision are prepared to support you in the planning, design, and implementation of your local program operations with guidance on evaluation tools and strategies ranging from basic to complex. A sampling of the areas of TA being offered include:


Spreadsheet development and data tracking - Selecting primary program evaluation questions - Selecting measures and instruments to align with program goals - Identifying available data - Collecting new data - Power and sampling strategies - Data analysis

This is an exciting opportunity for you to explore ideas and find solutions to your data collection challenges, as well as methods to measure outcomes for your program. Our local Technical Assistance (TA) office hours have proven to be a resounding success. This collaborative environment allows grantees to share insights, learn from their peers and experts, and receive real-time guidance and advice. We strongly encourage you to participate and bring your unique challenges to the table for discussion and problem-solving.

The October office hour provides an ideal platform to engage in a constructive conversation regarding evaluation activities. It also offers Windrose the opportunity to conduct a concise and informal needs assessment, enabling us to gather valuable input on the specific areas where awardees require technical assistance. This approach fosters an environment of active participation in the future, reassuring awardees that they can freely engage with members of their cohort and other cohorts to discuss evaluation issues and collaborate effectively.


We look forward to seeing you!

Thank you,

MCHB TA Innovation Center Team


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August 16, 2024, 3:16 am EDT
Event Summary

PMHCA and MMHSUD TA Opportunity: Get hands-on Technical Assistance help for local data collection and management through upcoming office hours

Contact Information
MCHB TA Innovation Center